Lost and found (2016) marathi full movie online
Posted by faisal
Posted on 11:47:00 AM
Movie Lost and Found
Release Date 2016
Genre –Love
Cast Siddharth Chandekar,Spruha Joshi
Director Ruturaj Dhalgade
Story By Ruturaj Dhalgade
Music Composer –
Producer Vinod Malgewar Distributor Golden Gate Motion Pictures
Language Mararthi
Lost and Found movies story and plot information is not announced yet but words are about that movie is related to a love. From movies name we can guess something about movie that it is expected to be like one boy loves a girl but he doesn’t describe his feeling and after sometime both get separated, after sometime both realize that they love each other can’t live without each other. It’s not official story information, it’s just a guess. Once we catch the official news about movies story and plot information, we will update here.